Adding Devices as an Administrator

Creation date: 1/10/2023 9:57 AM    Updated: 1/10/2023 9:57 AM    add device add email add phone text alerts

These instructions are for adding devices as an administrator

** These instructions for administrators only. See below for users**

1. Log into using you Username and Password

2. Go to Administration in the left hand column

3. Select PERSONEL

4. Select the person you want to edit

5. Select devices


7. Choose device you wish to add (i.e Email, Phone carrier, ect.)

8. Input email/phone number

9. Choose which channels you wish to be notified for

11. Manual messages are messages sent by personnel from the department.

12. On duty is coincides with Chief Scheduling

Find instructions/help for the Chief 360 App on phone or tablet (this does not include Commander. Please visit the Comander group)